Steps to create APPSRO schema in Oracle EBS R12.2

sqlplus / as sysdba
create user appsro identified by <pwd>;
grant connect to appsro;
grant create synonym to appsro;

sqlplus apps/apps
set head off
set newpage none
set linesize 150
set pagesize 9999
spool create_synonyms.sql
select 'create synonym ' || OBJECT_NAME || ' for ' || OWNER ||'.' ||OBJECT_NAME || ';' from all_objects where OWNER not in ('SYS','SYSTEM') and OBJECT_NAME not like '%/%' and OBJECT_TYPE in ('TABLE');
spool off

set head off
set newpage none
set linesize 150
set pagesize 9999
spool grant_select.sql
select 'grant select on '|| OWNER ||'.' ||OBJECT_NAME || ' to appsro;' from all_objects where OWNER not in ('SYS','SYSTEM') and OBJECT_NAME not like '%/%' and OBJECT_TYPE in ('TABLE');
spool off

sqlplus / as sysdba

sqlplus SYSTEM/<PWD>
alter session set current_schema=APPS;

sqlplus appsro/<pwd>

-- After completion of above steps validate the invalid objects count.

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