ISG Issue faced in EBS R12.2

Issue 1:  When clicking on view WADL http 500 is returned

  • cd $COMMON_TOP/java/lib
  • Check  exists. If yes, give it full permissions (777).
  • Recompile jar files using adadmin.
  • Bounce the Oracle Application Framework server and retest

Issue 2: Modifying Existing REST Service, not reflected.

  • cd $INST_TOP/soa/   
  • ##Add the below parameter
  • Bounce all the appsTier services

Issue 3: ISG REST deployment - failed to be authenticated.

  • Check the UMX|APPS_SCHEMA_CONNECT role has been assigned to ASADMIN user:
select role_name from wf_user_roles where user_name='ASADMIN';
select role_name from wf_user_role_assignments where user_name='ASADMIN';
If missing, run "Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation" Program 

  • Ensure you can log into EBS front end using ASADMIN user.
  • Ensure the the following SQL returns the proper value:
select fnd_vault.get('ISG','ASADMIN') from dual;

  • If this value is incorrect / not the same a login password run & then re-check this is correct password:
@$FND_TOP/sql/afvltput.sql ISG ASADMIN <password>

  • Ensure the following SQL returns a 'Y".
select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('ASADMIN','<password>') from dual;

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